Ban reason :Unsure?: When logging into server thats what pops up
Ban length
Okay let me start with why I was banned and why its dumb, my reasoning of ban or atleast I think it is was saying "pvplegcay" Usually when a player states a server or server name they get a warning, and yes I can confirm thats true cause I have seen it happen. But in my case I get permanently banned, no warnings no nothing just a permanent ban. Also to note that they have dont this many times before when I have been permanetly banned for 5 months on a mistake cause the "forgot to unban me" when I get back I was told absolutely NO WARNINGS or nothing. That seems unreasonable considering how I was just banned 5 months for no reasons and 3 weeks of being on im permanently banned again. The thing that makes it worse is the no warnings, considering some players have told staffs to f### themselves and more and didnt get banned warned or nothing this is extremely unfair and could be considered bias.
this will most likely get declined but its my appeal.
these perm bans are pain
Ban length

Okay let me start with why I was banned and why its dumb, my reasoning of ban or atleast I think it is was saying "pvplegcay" Usually when a player states a server or server name they get a warning, and yes I can confirm thats true cause I have seen it happen. But in my case I get permanently banned, no warnings no nothing just a permanent ban. Also to note that they have dont this many times before when I have been permanetly banned for 5 months on a mistake cause the "forgot to unban me" when I get back I was told absolutely NO WARNINGS or nothing. That seems unreasonable considering how I was just banned 5 months for no reasons and 3 weeks of being on im permanently banned again. The thing that makes it worse is the no warnings, considering some players have told staffs to f### themselves and more and didnt get banned warned or nothing this is extremely unfair and could be considered bias.
this will most likely get declined but its my appeal.
these perm bans are pain